In my first drawing, the hair was very curly, signifying creativity is an important leadership quality over organization. In my second drawing, the hair was much straighter, but with a subtle wave. I believe organization is a key foundational skill to being a leader. The presence of creativity can be very beneficial to addressing problems and developing solutions. The length of the hair, however, is almost the exact same moderate length in both pictures, illustrating that introverts can be effective leaders to a degree.
Secondly, I added glasses to the second drawing that were absent in the first. Glasses signify I have had more experience in leadership roles that most of my peers at this point in life. Most people my age do not pursue a graduate degree. This program has offered me additional leadership opportunities and community involvement that most people my age who accept a job after college do not get a a chance to experience.
Lastly, the first drawing had a cursive signature, indicating I had a written goal about serving in leadership roles in the future. Currently, I am focused on preparing for Level II fieldwork and obtaining a job as an occupational therapist in the next year. While I plan to continue to grow leadership qualities, I do not have a written plan as to what leadership roles I will fill in a clinical setting.
It was very insightful to see what opinions have changed and what have stayed the same in regards to leadership qualities since January of 2018. I enjoyed reflecting and comparing my two glyphs!
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