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Showing posts from January, 2018

Person-First Language

" The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. "   - Mark Twain  People with disabilities are just like every other human being.  Person-first language puts focus on the individual and not the disability.  We should not identify individuals based on their functional or mental limitations.  For example, a practitioner should refer to someone as "a man who had a stroke" instead of a "stroke patient."  I believe it is important to understand and practice person-first language to be an effective practitioner.  First, it allows the client to feel more comfortable, and you will make more progress together if the client feels like an individual and not a disability.  Second, occupational therapists are trained to help people as a whole, not just the disability, so it is important for us to look past the disability and focus on the client, as well.  There are countless more reasons to